Adding Administrator(s) Help

Posted over 1 year ago by Kristina Pierce

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Kristina Pierce Admin

Please follow these instructions to successfully make a user an Administrator in Symphony. You can only manage users registered for the same company and contract vehicle. Please reference How to use Administration for additional information.

Step 1. Have a SAM POC Register 

Step 2. Go to Administration 

Step 3. Change User Status

Step 4. Update Group Membership


1. Have a SAM POC Register for Symphony

Only an authorized Point of Contact (POC) during registration at the right website for the contract vehicle has administrative rights by default. Please reference How to register as an Administrator and How to Access Symphony for more information.


2. Have a SAM POC go to Administration

Only a SAM POC (or an additional Symphony Administrator) has access to the Administration link. You can retrieve the SAM Points of Contact information any time at (

  • Administrators cannot add users.
  • Administrators can only activate additional users after they register.
  • Administrators can limit those who have access, or provide access and then remove access after specific tasks. 


3. Change User Status

A user’s status must be ACTIVE before they can sign in. 

  1. Click on the row for the user you want to manage in order to activate or disable their account. 
  2. Change the user status to the one that applies. 
  3. Save the status change. 


The status options are defined below.

  • Active Users can sign into Symphony and perform the tasks for their group permissions. 
  • Initial Users have registered and need approval to sign in. Users will receive an inactive account message at login.


4. Update Group Membership

This is where an ACTIVE user can be assigned Administrator permissions. 

Group permissions only apply to users with an ACTIVE status. 

Some group membership options are defined below.

  • Administrator Users have full access to everything including managing users. The SAM POC(s) for the registered company are automatically assigned to this role when registering. Users that receive an email invitation for the Symphony contract vehicle after the contract award are also assigned the administrator role.

  • Open Market Proposal Manager is for a user who can submit a proposal on behalf of the organization during open solicitations. It can only be assigned to one person. The role does not include the Administration link.


If you still need help, contact us or reference the  Administration FAQ for troubleshooting information.

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